Status as of may 2016.
Multiple throne room dominion.
Throne room is an action card from the base set.
Tactician highlights the general dominion principle that one good thing is usually better than two mediocre things.
I won t be updating this faq anymore since i improved and expanded it into a document called complete rules for dominion and all its expansions which is now more complete anyone else can edit this faq of course.
King s court is an action card from prosperity when played it gives you the opportunity to play another action card from your hand three times like a better throne room a few king s courts can supercharge any engine and with buy enable huge game ending turns.
It allows you to play another action card from your hand twice as if you had a village and two copies of that action card.
Original article by theory.
It s great when you have lots of action cards and are sure you ll be able to draw throne room in hand with a good action but be careful if you buy it too early or when you have too many treasure and victory cards and.
If you throne room a throne room you play an action doing it twice and then play another action and do it twice.
Complete and all encompassing dominion faq.
This faq lays out all the rules of dominion pertaining to all released expansions including adventures.
You completely resolve playing the action the first time before playing it the second time.
A duration is not discarded from play until the cleanup phase of the last turn on which it does something usually the turn after the turn on which it is played.
When the 1 card token is on tactician using a throne room variant on it becomes meaningful as it provides you a card to discard each time tactician is played again.